When a Man Truly and Deeply loves you (pt1)

When a Man Truly and Deeply loves you (pt1)
These are some of the strongest signs a man is in love with you. When a man begins to take serious interest in you, you’ll likely begin to notice these:
1. He begins talking about a future together: This is one of the first signs he’s falling in love with you. When a man is interested in you just because of sex or some lusty feeling to have some fun, he makes many moves and does all he can to take you to bed but hardly talks about his future plans with you.

If he has started talking with you about his future plans and goals, especially those that are very sensitive or delicate, he may be giving you a clear look into his feelings. And if he goes out of his way to figure out a way to include you in those future plans that he sees, well, that’s a pretty big sign he has come to have deep feelings for you and that he is quite in love with you.
2. Your needs should always come first: There have been many studies and research reports that, as far as average behaviors go, men tend to be more selfish than women, by and large.
This study was amply buttressed by the large sums of money which women donated to several charitable causes, compared to what men set aside for donation. While it is generally accepted that this may be true in a broad sense, across a wide variety of situations, it no longer holds when a man finds himself deeply falling in love.
When a man is really in love, he usually tends to let the needs and desires of the interest of his love come before his own.

That how he gave you the freedom to choose from several things important to you from places that you would relocate and the place you would like to have a dinner date, even when he didn’t enjoy this certain restaurant very much, and perhaps he went the extra mile setting his comfort aside to secure your happiness.
3. He feels happy when you are happy: Besides being selfless, another clear indication that a man is genuinely in love is how your happiness hugely impacts his emotional well-being, making him truly happy.
When he sees your smile brighten up your face, he gets this overwhelming feeling of joy and satisfaction in his heart that motivates him to go the extra mile and out of his way to do things and acts that will keep you happy and satisfied.
4. You are starting to feel the deep emotions that come with falling in love with him: While this particular aspect is not necessarily a good gauge of true love (since feelings can be easily unrequited), one glaring sign that somebody is falling in love with you is that you may also be falling for him at the same time.
Humans have a wonderful ability to recognize authentic emotions in others and to reflect back those same emotions to the source of the feelings. If you are starting to feel something for him, then perhaps it would benefit you to explore further what exactly it is that you are feeling.

5. He has become more comfortable around you: Cast your mind back to the beginning of the relationship and think about how meticulous he used to be.
Can you ever remember when he was truly interested in keeping things clean and tidy around him? Always cleaning up after himself: putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher and taking his shoes off before entering the entryway?
If he has suddenly become more comfortable around you, and chances are that he won’t go back to his old ways again, it could be a sign that something big is beginning to grow inside of him. It means he is probably no longer concerned with appearances or those kinds of facades that mattered much to him in the first place.
6. His pronoun changed from “I” to “we:”
One of the more obvious signs that a guy is starting to fall in love with a girl is how he uses language when talking. If he still only sees you as a friend or thinks of you as something less important, then he is inclined to spend far more time talking about his own life and thoughts than he is talking about the group or team that you might share.

This may not be necessarily because he is a terrible person through and through but can be due to him maybe not having seen you as part of his future yet.
But then when this dynamic begins to change, you will discover he is using the word “we” far more than the word “I.” This isn’t unusual because couples that are close and connected feel like more of a unit and less like individual people going it solo navigating through the world.
7. He is putting much more effort into the relationship: When a guy falls in love and is ready to make the relationship work, one of the first things you would notice is that he begins to commit more time and resources to not just you but to the relationship as well.
This is corroborated by voluminous scientific scholarship, which says one is likely to be most willing to commit to another in a romantic relationship, either when one feels the satisfaction with one’s current partner or believes that one’s current partner is the best choice made.
If your man is feeling this way about you and your relationship, then it’s only natural that he would start to invest more of himself and become even more fully engaged in the relationship overall.

8. He views life from the bright side: One of the obvious signs a man is falling in love is that he suddenly becomes a great big beam of sunshine, even on the darkest days. You would come to the realization that love is one of the most powerful optimistic forces in life because even though he used to be grumpy for no reason at first,
he would start becoming less grumpy as these emotions get a stronger hold on him. This is further supported by scientific evidence, as indicated by a recent survey that showed the positive effects of being in a fulfilled and committed romantic relationship.
The findings of this survey indicated that such relationships greatly help young people reduce their levels of neuroticism and cynicism. Due to these changes, they typically become more fun and pleasant to hang out with.
9. He is being gentlemanly around you: Listen, here is the deal. A man would not go out of his way to make himself uncomfortable just to please and satisfy you if he did not want to look into a serious relationship with you.
This is one of the biggest tell-tale signs that a man really is falling in love with you: he always tries his best to create a good and lasting impression on you every time he gets to meet you. So he does more than his usual self, ensuring that he says the right words at all times, presents himself in the most perfect way possible,

and treats you with the utmost respect and admiration like the queen that you are—all this because he has real feelings for you.
10. He is always there when you need to talk to him: One thing which may be a bit too tough for guys to do is to be there every single time you’re trying to hold a conversation with them. If that subject is something that holds little interest for them, you might even see them zone out on you.