
Qualities Defining a Great Woman


Lesson to be learned from my father to his daughters-my sister(s)-

She opened her lips and oozed wisdom; one may certainly have serious and hard talk with her.

She might get hurt, yes, feeling rather low and going through much, but was a master of her feelings; she remained calm and composed.

3. She dissemimises
She’ll turn a hundred into one thousand and then turn that one thousand into a million. She does not sit around, comfortable and idle, waiting for everything to get done on her behalf.

Qualities Defining a Great Woman
Qualities Defining a Great Woman

4. She is so happy on account of her loved condition.
She is, of course, not the kind of woman who would be pacified easily by mere acts of waiting for things to get done or to happen. Opening up her gates, that is, being receptive and true to your gestures is when all those gestures and appreciation go up. She enjoys serving people just as she would love being treated well and returned with compassionate care.

5. She also enjoys the pleasure of sharing a good meal with company.
She will surely try her best to cook each dish-that will look great and taste wonder, actually feeding your soul while doing that.

Clever, sometimes silly, she knows just what it takes to have everyone in stitches, having a good time.

7. She shall ask for help when needed.
She has the awareness and wisdom to know when to seek help whenever she is in a predicament or when some sort of problem befalls her. She knows it is very important not to bear her burdens alone.

8. She is in a nature of God, which is divine.
You look at her and see God; she’s becoming more and more like God: loving, forgiving, gracious, strong-valued.

9. She is confident and self-assured.
She could be an introvert or extroverted, but she has very high self-esteem. You can never bring her down, and she’s got admirable qualities.

Qualities Defining a Great Woman
Qualities Defining a Great Woman

One may always catch her reading an inspiring book or an interesting novel, making time to pray, eating the right kinds of foods to eat, and doing intensive exercises to keep one’s self physically fit.

11. She nurtures relationships.

She has strong people in her corner: that can be a best friend, a clique of girlfriends, or a big circle of close friends. She invests in friendships and family relationships, not just the one with her man.

12. She’s completely aware of her body.

She is full of self-realization. She knows the kind of clothes, fashion wear, hairstyles which will look good and will become her body shape, size, and complexion. And so she is able to present herself in such a way that she looks physically appealing, pleasing to the eyes.

13. She is fully alive in her sexuality and in her faithfulness.

She does not hold back in making her sexual longing for her husband known, and with confident precision, she knows how to invite him to touch her in those ways that will stir his longing for her. She is nothing short of sexually exciting and stimulating to be part of his life. She is also faithful to him and reveres the bombers of their sexuality.


She has spent most of her time attending to these children, tending them with much tender loving care, watching over them–her own and other people’s.

Qualities Defining a Great Woman
Qualities Defining a Great Woman


She can guide her man, teach him lovingly where he is wrong, is ready to learn from them, and take criticism too.

16. She has absolutely the most amazing and comforting hugs.

Her light touch soothes and at the same time is deeply comforting. It wraps you in warmth-overwhelmed with feelings of being loved and deeply cared for. 17.

SHE IS NOT INDP. Though she is successful, professional, has her own money and is educated; she admits she needs her man. Her need to love 6 be loved makes them

DEPENDENT on each other. Being a modern woman doesn’t mean she ages alone in her big mansion. She needs to love and be loved

18. She never feeds into drama or unnecessary fights. She has much conviction in her inner peace, finding no reason to feel guilty at all by withdrawing from all those things that happen to be superficial and without substance.

19. She is a blessing to other people, and highly magnifies their worth in so doing. Whosoever crosses her path leaves plus there, full of wisdom uplifting. Let her speak to the king or queen inside.


At such moments when people turn their backs on you, she’ll be able to stand with you, supporting you through thick and thin. You can be very certain of her standing and commitment for you. She does not waver in loyalty!

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