
Everyone has a Potential
“There is not a single man alive today who isn’t capable of achieving far more than he ever thinks he is able to accomplish. ” – Henry Ford
One day, a hardworking farmer found a very odd-looking and oversized egg in his vast field, which made him so curious that he decided to carry it back home. The odd egg did not look like any of the poultry eggs he was familiar with raising and caring for on his farm, but he put it alongside the other eggs that were being brooded with extreme care.
Days went by and the hatching season had arrived with all the background clucking sounds of chicks breaking out of their shells, and much to his surprise along with the chickens came out this remarkable bird.
The ‘strange’ bird grew with the chickens and did every thing with them as they scavenged around the compound and surrounding areas for food. Even though it went everywhere and did everything with them, the bird looked more and more different as it grew bigger. Every once in a while, it would flap its wings in a queer way.

One day, a huge eagle flew across the skies with screeching noises and graceful movements. All the chickens cowered in fear, but the little strange bird immediately got excited. It was apparently an eaglet. At the sight of the eagle, it felt an immediate connection and saw its own potential.
At this, the great eagle soared, effortlessly gliding over the head of the little bird once again. All his life, he was surrounded by fellow birds, incapable of rising above the level of the ground. Still, now he felt that some deep calling to rise up to greatness was hard to ignore.
After a few more tries, or rather less so, which rather left him feeling quite disheartened, finally, with all his might, the eaglet mustered his strength and rose triumphantly into the air, soaring off into the great unknown in the skies above.
This motivational story by the great Ghanaian Scholar and African luminary, James Kwegyir Aggrey, places in perspective the issue of potential. Potential is simply that which has the ability to be; that is “that which exists but is not fully developed or exploited.”
At the very starting of a person’s life, potential greatness and possible major accomplishment are things that are not necessarily obvious or apparent. Even though they may show some traces or signs of what their potential capabilities are, it is rather common that the full extent of what they can finally achieve remains unclear and ambiguous for some time.
“Whatever you do in life, do it with all your might.” – Bob Beamon.

We shall consider just like the eaglet, a young eagle which has not yet learned to soar, you may have within you the great potential to rise and fly to the very highest and most majestic mountains that exist.
But know this: until you take time to discover this potential and really put it into full use, then you will find yourself living at ground level, unable to experience the heights that await you.
More often than not, it is said that our inborn potential is a gift bestowed upon us by God, and how we choose to make use of that potential ultimately becomes our own unique gift that we offer back to Him.
Many people, unfortunately, never come to fully realize their own full potential in life and all they could accomplish. Instead they often settle for far less than God intended them to be and do. Sometimes this is so simply because they fail to see and appreciate their own innate potential and abilities.
But for a great many of them, they know they are worth so much more in life and can accomplish so much more with their gifts, abilities, and resources, but sadly, they feel helpless, unable, or just plain unwilling to do what it takes to succeed. That should never be your story.

Seize every opportunity to live a life to the fullest. Eventually, leave this world having given it your best shot. Develop yourself into the most complete being that you can possibly become using all the talents and resources at your command.
Stretch all the time: strive to push the existing boundaries of what is known and can be done. Go beyond the domains and ideas that lie just beyond the known and routine experiences of the ordinary person. You have the makings of a hero within you.
Most certainly, you have it in you to make great things happen!!! Key Thought: You will never know how much potential you have and how far you can go until you summon up the courage and take that first all-important step forward on your journey.