Permanent eradication of rats
How to eliminate rats completely from any premises
1. Onions:
Just note how rodents, those little yet rather annoying creatures, seem just detesting the peculiar, awful smell given off by onions. The only plausible explanation for that could be the fact that for them, the smell of onions is really detestable and odious.
To keep such visitors away, what one actually needs is just a slice of onion that can be placed in their burrow or at spots where they are seen passing by. I shall definitely add onions in the list of good options after the efficiency with which they keep such annoyances away.

2. Ammonia:
This has a pungent smell which is closely related to the urine that would have been left by the potential predator that these rats would be evading. These attributes make the rats very irritated and agitated. In making my solution, I will be needing two spoons of detergent, a quarter glass of water, and two full cups of ammonia.
Then, I’ll mix all ingredients together and pour it in a spray bottle and spray it where rats frequently appear. Rats cannot stand the smell of ammonia and so it so chases them away.
3. Bay leaves:
These could serve as traps, provided someone is ready to join me in this noble mission of eradication. They consider this some sort of food; hence, they consume it with great ecstasy and satisfaction.
While these are traps of death for them, these leaves are immensely toxic and poisonous to their system. For mounting this trap, all we need is a few bay leaves that have been dried. We simply grind those leaves to fine dust and sprinkle this dust over the entry place of their suspected area.
This method surely will be going to give you effectiveness in results and satisfaction. Repeat this periodically after 5 to 7 days, for the best outcome.
4. Baking soda:
Baking soda is very popular because it does not allow rats to survive in areas where they generally like to visit. To make this powerful mixture, 1 cup of flour should be mixed with 1 cup of sugar or powdered chocolate, and then 1 cup of baking soda shall be added in order to mix all the ingredients properly.
The sugar or chocolate tempts the rats, while the baking soda will soon kill them once they have been consumed. Fill some jars with it as their bait and put them in suspected areas.

5. Peppermint essential oil:
Another wonderful feature of this oil is that it has a sweet and fresh odor. The only thing we are supposed to do in order for it to be very useful to us is take a few drops of peppermint oil and dot a little on pieces of cotton. Later on, we may place these perfumed cotton balls in places where we think their appearance from rats is more usual.
This would require us to replace the cotton balls in about 5 to 7 days, depending on the amount of oil applied to them. Other alternative methods would involve a mixture of citronella oil and castor oil, or even just strategically placing mint plants at the perimeter of our home to add ambiance to the home we are to stay in.
Suffocate roaches by using a soap/water mixture. It will work amazingly well against the German roach and cricket. For usage, mix 4 tablespoons of liquid detergent in 4 cups of water. Spray wherever necessary when roaches are suspected of hiding.
This medicinal plant interferes with the cockroach’s life cycle. It slows down its rate of reproduction and decreases the amount of fertile eggs. Crush a handful of neem leaves to a paste. Soak leaves in 4 cups of water. Fill contents in a spray bottle. Spray along corners, cracks, and damp regions.
This wine spray is cheap and has killed the roaches- so effective and efficient in such a very short time, that too in a day, just within 24 hours. You just have to transfer the wine to a cleaned spray bottle and then spray it on the places where you had previously noticed the cockroach infestation.

9. Garlic- smoked
Crush garlic and add it to a bottle of water. Let it stay for several hours.
Spray all house corners. Garlic is pungent to them, and they will be running away from your house. 10. Teabag: They keep the rats, spiders, and all insects away. Used teabags can also serve as remedies against rats and spiders, if those bother you too much.
Well, it is for the reason that such rodents, insects, and arachnids just do not like the smell of the tea and thus will not approach these places where teabags are spread around. Just remove the teabag and chuck it into the trash, and they will never come over to see you.”.