Moral Lesson

here are some Attributes of a Good Man

here are some Attributes of a Good Man


Ask him about his vision and purpose in life. If he can’t answer or gets offended, he is not ready. A man does not need a companion without a purpose or an assignment. Women may try to give men a vision, but it is something he has to have on his own. Only when a man has vision should he be looking for a woman to assist in making that vision real.


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If a man says he wants a committed relationship, believe him. No matter how great you cook, clean, pamper, or please him, if he is not ready for a relationship, nothing you do will change that. If he says he’s just looking for friends, take his word for it.

here are some Attributes of a Good Man
here are some Attributes of a Good Man


Ask him about women in his life, starting from his mother and sisters to exes. If he uses derogatory terms like “bitch,” it’s a red flag. If his mother’s word is always going to supersede yours, there’s another warning sign. He needs to be able to close the chapter of his past to move on fully with you.


A good man will not pressure you for s*x when you are just meeting. You are not a car to be test-driven. If he wants to test your body, emotions, and feelings right off the bat, it is time to walk away.

5. ROLE MODELS: ????

Every good man has someone he looks up to, someone he fears disappointing. If he says “no one,” be careful—he may be too proud to be a good leader. The man he admires says a lot about his character.


When asked what he sees in you, it’s OK if his first answer is about your appearance; men are visual. But he should also see the inner qualities that make you, you. He won’t protect that which he doesn’t cherish, so he must see and appreciate your true worth.

here are some Attributes of a Good Man
here are some Attributes of a Good Man


A good man keeps his promises. If he doesn’t call when he says he will, cancels plans, shows up late, or plays emotional games over and over again, take note. These are obvious indicators that he doesn’t value, love, or care about you.


How a man introduces you says a lot about the relationship, declares Steve Harvey. If he doesn’t give you a title or introduces you as a friend, then most likely you don’t have anything concrete. A man in love with you will give you a title: his lady, woman, fiancée, or wife.


A good man doesn’t use words like “bitch, hoe, nagging, or golddigger” all that often. Sometimes guys use these words to bring the expectations of a female down for him. If he always refers to women as “golddiggers,” then he probably won’t be willing to give very much to the relationship.


A good man puts you first. He is concerned with your concerns and wants to sort them out. He tries to keep you happy and appreciates your opinion. Providing for those he loves is in his DNA, and if he loves and cares about you, he’ll provide without limits.


A good man is proud to pay for dinner, movie tickets, or any other outing. If he insists on paying, that’s a sure sign he values and respects you. When a man genuinely cares, he’ll go the extra mile to impress and do right by you.

here are some Attributes of a Good Man
here are some Attributes of a Good Man


A good man needs to know who he is, what his title is, what his financial status is. He needs to have that clearly defined in order to be able to concentrate on a relationship and give the attention and support his partner needs.

13. MORAL INTEGRITY: ????????

Just because he is a man of God doesn’t mean he will be a good mate, but being moral will. If he is patient, kind, unselfish, and righteous, then he probably will be a good partner. A man who has a quick temper or frustration problems isn’t going to make the best mate.

14. INTEGRITY: ???? A good man lives in truth, both with himself and others. He’s in tune with a higher spirit and believes in accountability for his actions. This type of man is responsible and holds himself to a high standard. 15.


A good man does not leave his woman as a girlfriend or even as a “baby mama” for years at a time. He marries his woman and takes pride in making her a proper lady in the eyes of society. He loves and respects her too much to do otherwise.

here are some Attributes of a Good Man
here are some Attributes of a Good Man


When you find a good man, he is proud of what he is—a partner and a role model. He feels he is special and special to him, so when you find Mr Good Man, treat him as such. Just remember, you have to be fruitful too to attract and hold onto a good man.

17. SELF LOVE: And finally, self-love. Because if you don’t love yourself, no man—no matter how fantastic—is ever going to love you properly. If you don’t love yourself, everything else doesn’t matter. That is the spirit of a good man.

Recognize these traits, and when you find them, treasure and nurture the relationship you have with such a man, coming your way most of the time. Pray for wisdom to recognize a good man. ????

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