Every Partner has Faults

I don’t want this to be true, but it is. More often than not, people use such statements in order to keep others in unhealthy relationships by the suggestion that it will only be met with someone who has the same, similar, or worse behavior.
We are not self-sufficient, nor are we perfect as human beings; hence, we need others to develop personally. Among the things that expose our deficiencies is a relationship. When you open up your life to other people, they see not only the good but also the ‘bad’.

That is why you must be cautious who you allow into your life in the name of a relationship. Do you trust the person enough to share with them both the beautiful and the not-so-beautiful sides of your life? Are you ready to show them both the beauty and the blemishes of your life?
The ‘good’ side of your life will hold people around you, but the ‘bad’ side has the power to chase them away. The negative aspects of our lives are the ones, which we hide from people in the initial stages of a relationship, because we do care about our reputations.
We put our best foot forward and show our good behavior to those we meet, especially through first impressions.
It is easy for someone to fall in love with you or begin to like you, but difficult to make them stay. When they really get to know the ‘bad’ side or the flawed parts of you, that’s when they start complaining or distancing themselves. That’s when their feelings toward you change.

If you listen to your partner, take to heart their input, concerns, complaints, and criticisms, then not only will you save the relationship, but you will also become a better version of yourself. God, in His wisdom, allows people into our lives to act as mirrors, reflecting what we need to work on.
Your partner may not be saying what you want to hear, but they could be showing you what it is that you need to work on. Instead of fighting them over what they say, look for the good in what they say, and work on yourself. Never leave a relationship because you do not like something in your partner.
Rather, find out what you both can do to help each other. We all have our defects, and if we cannot help each other correct our deficiencies, then there is no need for the relationship.

In conclusion, “As one piece of iron sharpens another, so friends keep each other sharp” – Proverbs 27:17 (ERV).