Do These Things To Quench It Gas explosions

In case of a fire on your gas cooker, don’t panic, just do the following things to put it out.
Pundits argue that in recent times, gas explosions have become common and widespread in society. Of course, such a trending occurrence could be linked to the increased adoption of gas cookers by people and families in their daily activities. Undoubtedly, gas cookers do have their numerous advantages:
- easier to use,
- neater to handle,
- and far quicker in terms of cooking than the old methods of firewood or even stoves.
Indeed, it would not be an exaggeration to stress that almost every home in Nigeria has now widely adopted the use of gas cookers due to the fact that, compared to using kerosene for cooking, it is far cheaper.
Among the major risks associated with the use of a gas cooker, however, is the possibility of a gas explosion-a major disaster capable of taking away the lives of thousands of people. If you are using a gas cooker at your residential place, it is highly recommended that you take all precautionary measures that might be within your reach to avoid such disasters from taking place.
However, if it happens, an explosion would not call for panicking. Rather, there are a couple of things recommended to do instead of panicking in order to extinguish the situation accordingly.

- Grab a Towel
The moment your gas cooker starts burning, get a towel-the bigger the better. Mix in some detergent in a bowl of water and dip your towel in the detergent. - Dip the towel in soapy water contained inside the basin and wrap it carefully on the gas cylinder until the cylinder is well wrapped by it.
- Hence, it labors for the extinction of fire without wasting any time. It is always better to stop things from occurring rather than finding the remedies. Here are the possible reasons that your gas cylinder will catch fire.
1. Using a defective nozzle or one which contains some sort of blemish.
If you are using a faulty nozzle, your gas will start leaking from there, and that would lead to an explosion. So, once the nozzle becomes faulty, change it.

2. When you fill up on gas to the top.
That means that if it is a 20g gas cylinder, filling to that level, it will begin leaking. Never fill your gas cylinder to the brim. 3. Let there be no malfunctioning of your burner.