Food for Thought

A Unique and Excellent Breed of Young Christians

A Unique and Excellent Breed of Young Christians

1. We are always right and we never accept correction. A corrector is seen as an enemy.

2. We love to sing in Church, but do not read our Bible at home.

3. We are filled with a deep lustfulness, an overpowering sexuality, and a maelstrom of powerful emotions all rolled into one, for which we call by a name: love.

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4. We all want to have and enjoy great marriages, full of love and joy, but come the age of 25, we realize that we have already spent close to ten years in one relationship or another. In some cases, it is probably safe to say that we have had more boyfriends and girlfriends than our parents did in their entire youth.

A Unique and Excellent Breed of Young Christians
A Unique and Excellent Breed of Young Christians

5. Sexual activities are now part of our relationships calling it romance.

6. We wish to be wealthy in life, meanwhile we spend all our money on the latest ipads, iphone, laptops, cameras, smartphones, etc, which in many cases we uses less than 30% of their functions.

7. We do not pay our tithes and offerings by reasoning out that we are students at the moment.

8. We go around saying we are men and women of faith, Christian men and women, but we get up in the morning, and we decide to paint ourselves up like Hollywood, and we call it fashion.

9. We tend to favor and pursue pleasures before God in our relationship.

10. In Church you will see us with our hands lifted up singing slow songs which we call worship but on our phones in our pockets, you will see pics of naked and half naked women, hip hop, Antichrist, etc and we have a nice way of justifying it.

A Unique and Excellent Breed of Young Christians
A Unique and Excellent Breed of Young Christians

11. It is quite rare for us to feel a deep sense of conviction when we attend Church, since our hearts have unfortunately become hardened due to the subtle deceitfulness that accompanies sin and the arrogance of pride.

But God, in His infinite wisdom, foresaw these disturbing traits and warned us through the Apostle Paul in the book of 2 Timothy, chapter 3. It says that in the last days, there will be men and women who will have an excessive love for themselves, as well as an overwhelming love for money.

These individuals will be boastful and proud, using blasphemous language and showing disobedience to their parents. They will also be unthankful and unholy, without natural affection, and unforgiving. They will be slanderers and have no self-control at all, being brutal in their actions.

A Unique and Excellent Breed of Young Christians
A Unique and Excellent Breed of Young Christians

They will hate what is good and honorable and be traitorous, headstrong, and haughty. They will prefer pleasure and indulgence to a sincere devotion to God, presenting themselves with an appearance of godliness, while ultimately denying its true power. It is incumbent upon us to change our behaviors and deeds, for we shall have no excuse on that day when the final account is taken.

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