8 Life Lessons They Don’t Teach You in School.

8 Life Lessons They Don’t Teach You in School
1. You don’t need anyone’s permission to go after your dreams. You only need permission from yourself, for you are the only one who can create roadblocks in your life or open up the way for your success.
2 O time, it runs so fast, and those that make the worst use of time, are the first to complain of the shortness of it.
3 You weren’t born to work a job you hate. But don’t quit your job without a plan. If you quit your job without having another one lined up, your income will disappear while expenses just keep piling up.

4 Yesterday would have been the best time to start. Today is already a little late, but if you can start now, that will be fine to catch up. 5. Don’t pursue your passion, but pursue your purpose. Passion is not a destination, but an ego-serving. When you are chasing passion, you will be confined by only what your ego is letting you see. Purpose is the reason or the why you are doing something. Purpose is much more focused. Passions can also come and go, while purpose tends to be more long-term.
6 Do not waste years pursuing the wrong goals. Most people pursue the wrong goals. They pursue things for the sake of getting social approval. While impressing other people might feel good in the short term, in the long run it is going to make you very unhappy and feel unfulfilled.

7 If you don’t like the process, you won’t like the result. If you take all of your energy and focus solely on the ultimate final results, and you completely disregard the importance of the process that leads you there, ultimately you will find that you never walk away feeling fulfilled.
That is because your happiness will become reliant solely on those results rather than appreciating the journey and the process that got you there. The process isn’t always glamorous, it’s not always exciting, it’s not always thrilling in nature, but so crucial to understand that this very practice will lead you to the destination that you are seeking, to the outcome that you want to reach if you will learn to fully embrace and appreciate it.

8 The primary objective isn’t so much based on the concept of having several streams of income but is more related to the idea of being compensated for your true purpose in numerous ways.