Moral Lesson

22 lessons to learn in your ministerial Journey

22 lessons to learn in your ministerial Journey

1. The work of ministry is no light matter, but an inner divine calling coupled with a deep reflection and understanding. One should ensure clear guidance from GOD about which particular path He desires you to take before you step out with any planning and actions in that regard.

2. You have to go to the places to which the Lord sends you instead of seeking where you can, in your own opinion, make it quickly or succeed. Ministry should be about the salvation of souls and dealing with their spiritual well-being first before anything else.

Concern for money must be secondary. Remember that God supernaturally provides and resources through His grace those people whom He dispatches according to His will and commandments. You have got to know your place of calling.

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22 lessons
22 lessons

Knowing your place of calling eases your way forward very much in ministry. You are not called to serve everybody anywhere or to seek to minister to anybody. No. You go to the exact places and among the very people He sends you. Ministry is highly sensitive both to the place and the people you deal with.

3. Let soul-winning be your utmost agenda above everything else. Be passionate about the souls of men. Soul winning is the heartbeat of GOD.

4. You must avoid the art of comparison between you and others or between your ministry and others around you. Take time to learn how to rightly rejoice in the achievement and success of others while at the same time your main focus is on running your race with due diligence.

The race should be run according to the direct command and leading that has been given to you by our master JESUS. Remember that all of us have a different calling and set of assignments which do not replicate one another.

God is the caller, He is the only one who knows whether a man is doing well or not. God’s scale for measuring success in ministry is not the praises of men. 5. Make prayer, fasting and Holiness your lifestyle. Minister of God, Pray without ceasing, fast regularly and walk in holiness.

6. Cultivate and deepen a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord. You see, the truth is, you cannot love others in a genuine way without first developing a meaningful relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

7. Live a life of integrity. Your integrity, particularly as a minister, is not some extra attribute or characteristic that you can decide to add to your life; rather, it is basically the fabric of your whole life. If you ever lose this one important thing, then you shall also discover that you have lost not only a principle but also your whole ministry itself.

22 lessons
22 lessons

8. Cultivate and nurture a disciplined life in Bible study. Never be a preacher who only has relations with the Bible in the interest of preparing sermons to preach. The depth and rapidity of growth of the church will be as deep or as rapid as your personal revelation and understanding of God’s word.

9. It is important that your spouse have a true love for the Lord and ministry-minded mentality. No matter how anointed or gifted you may be on your own, to have the wrong person by your side will go a long way in stifling your calling and slowing your growth in the ministry.

10. Love everyone but be choosy about who you let in the inner circle. Not everybody that smiles at you is happy for you.

11. You must be taught patience and how to wait upon the Lord about the fulfillment of His promises unto you. The path on which you are going in the ministry is not a level path but something like a geographical landscape where valleys and mountains can be found together.

Your trust has always to be with the God who has called you into this purpose, not in the validation or approval of people. Whatever pitfalls and struggles come your way, learn to put your trust in GOD.

12. Ministry occurs on the ground, don’t believe everything you see on social media.

13. Go before your father in a spirit of prayer and humility and make time to glean from the men who have walked this road in front of you in the ministry. A man must understand that no man is an island, we’re all connected.

14. Lift and build up those that God has placed under your care. Work together with them and share your love and support with them; never look down on anyone that God puts in your path. Do not also judge or deal with people based on their current condition since conditions change over time.

15. Be consistent. Be unique. Be original. Stay true to the vision the Lord has given you. Don’t do what everybody else is doing; do what God is telling you to do.

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22 lessons

16. No matter how gifted and talented you may be, you will have to make peace with how people will inevitably choose to leave you sooner or later. Do not waste your attention on those who leave you. Not everyone is supposed to go the whole way with you.

There are those who will leave you in the beginning and those who will eventually leave you, but there are also those who will forever stick with you. Everyone called to you has a purpose and a time frame on this journey. To understand this will preserve your heart and calling.

17. All of Meekness is to humble yourself before all, showing respect to all.

18. Provide an opportunity to people to prove their loyalty and commitment to their work by serving invariably for a long period before promotion. One must not be influenced by any kind of pressure or urgency to promote prematurely the job of any person.

19. Train people God gives thee. Spend time teaching them the word of God. Grow with people. Do not major on “already-made” people. Train your people.

20. Ministry grows from the heart not the mind. If your motive in ministry is wrong your outcome will be wrong. A wrong heart cannot produce the right ministry.

21. Seek to cultivate a mind that is neither easily swayed by flattering praises of men, nor dependent on their opinions.

22 lessons
22 lessons

Be more concerned about knowing what God is saying about you, at every point in your life. Increase within yourself an intense desire and eagerness to seek pleasing God above all else, rather than desiring the approval of people.

22. You have to trust a lot. You will find that it is almost impossible to initiate this adventure, get past the rough spots, and reach a place of triumph without large amounts of it.

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